dinsdag 1 januari 2013

wearing NY EVE


'Make a wish for 2012 and use all your strength to realize it'.
These words were my inspiration for the past year and in fact the quote-in-crime to get me blogging, beating fear and insecurity. And it's true, there is so much power inside yourself, if you only try. 
With this in mind, and some needed support of friends, i am pretty proud to say i am not only blogging here, but now also writing for Van den Assem Schoenen, a shoe (!) selling company. You can find the blog here. To say i'm thrilled is an understatement! 

Yesterday was a full day of party: at daytime to celebrate the past year and at nighttime to welcome the coming year.
I am looking forward to discover what tricks 2013 has hiding up it's sleeve. One thing's for sure; i will bring the quote with me again this year.

Thank you for your visits and support, wishing you all the best for 2013. Happy new year!

[part of my new years eve outfit: WE Women blazer]

4 opmerkingen:

  1. cool post! Happy New Year!


  2. :) ik ben al op onderzoek uitgegaan hoor op het web. Ziet er goed uit!



Please feel free to leave me a comment! I'd love to read what you think and appreciate you taking the time to write me some.