donderdag 17 mei 2012


Let's make this post a typical one for this blog. So when the hunters for The Next Whatstrend Blogger visit wearegoingdutch, they'll see what's it about. Come again? I decided to enroll myself in a competition started by COTTDS, to become part of the Whatstrend blogger network. Oef, exiting!

So, what is wearegoingdutch? 'I share with you my looks, shopping finds and attempts to stay within budget and i hope to inspire you while doing so!', as can be read on the page 'Who is'. My goal is to show you what can be done with a budget of 100 euro a month. Fashionable yet affordable!

And so this post contains a look with my latest shopping find (see the sneak peek in my previous post) and, due to this shopping find, an adjustment in budget (updated the piggy bank)That's it! :) Well, last but not least i hope you like this look.

Now it's time to sit back and wait. Obviously by entering the competition i state blogging is The thing i love most . And it would be a dream come true to have the opportunity to take this to a higher level. Fingers crossed!!

[wearing Vero Moda blazer, Zara necklace and trousers]

6 opmerkingen:

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